Sunday, August 27, 2006

the blog returns

Hi kids. I'm back from my post-India hiatus, and if anyone is still reading, I'm going to keep blabbing.

It's a lovely Sunday afternoon in San Francisco, and after a lot of unpacking and reorganizing on Thursday, I've essentially spent the last two days hanging out in my apartment catching up on the Colbert Report online (two months' worth of clips is a lot to watch, you know). I did get out of the house yesterday to enjoy the nice weather, walk to the grocery store, and then walk to my dear friend S's apartment. He has mono, so he's very tired and a bit depressed, and I hadn't seen him since I'd gotten back to the city, so it was really nice to spend some time with him and hopefully cheer him up slightly.

I've also been out on a couple of dates since I've gotten back (with guys that I was corresponding with over the last two weeks or so), and the results have been mixed. After our second date last night, I've decided that J and I are just wrong for each other, which is too bad because he is a very nice guy. There's a bit more promise with D, and in theory our second date is tonight, so we'll see how that goes. He and I have an excellent rapport, but he's a little bit crazy (then again, so am I; maybe that's why our rapport is so good) and he's a bit older than I am, so who knows. I suppose at the moment it's just fun to go out on dates.

Tomorrow is both my birthday and my first day of class. I've decided to make tomorrow a working day (in the morning I'll work on survey data-related stuff that needs to be done, and in the evening I'll go to class), so I'm sort of celebrating my birthday today, mostly by making E and H come over and help me put my new Ikea bed frame together, and by goofing off and maybe doing a bit of shopping. Though I'm very excited about turning 28 (8 is, after all, my lucky number), I'm not really so much into making any kind of a deal about my birthday this year. I'm just happy to be settled back into the city, starting school again, going on a few dates, and figuring what sort of cool things I can do with the rest of my life. All that seems like celebration enough. Oh, and maybe I'll have a bottle of wine. =)

Stay tuned, because I promise to become a regular updater again. I don't promise that my life will still be interesting to read about (if it ever was) but I'll do my best.


Anonymous said...

As both an educator and a former grad student, I highly recommend hangovers for the first day of class.

Happy birthday! If your 29th year resembles mine, it'll be full of Chrysler buildings and Eastern Standard Time.

Anonymous said...

Yea!!! I's so glad you are baby baby!!!

Anonymous said...

What I meant to say was I'm so glad you are back baby!!! aw well

Anonymous said...


I'm going to be out & about today - lunch with work people, then hanging out with knitting people after work, but I will try to call you later tonight. =)

28 is great!

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