Tuesday, August 29, 2006

what the heck is wrong with me?

So, the past couple of days have been weird. I feel fine, both physically and mentally, but I'm all kinds of lethargic and sleepy. I've spent the majority of the last three days in my apartment, in my pajamas, and in bed. In fact, I have not left my apartment once today, even to go check my mail. The weird thing is that I haven't necessarily been unproductive: I went through and answered all of the IDEC department emails that had backed up over the past month (as IDEC department assistant, this is one of my jobs), I've spent a few hours working on survey data entry, and I did some necessary busy work like printing and filling out forms for health insurance, student employment, etc. And of course I went to class last night, which was fairly interesting (there are only six people in the class, and the work is going to consist entirely of reading and discussing journal articles, as well as writing a research paper, so I'm pretty much guaranteed an A).

But despite these small bursts of productivity and attentiveness to basic responsibilities, I've been sleeping a good 9 or 10 hours a night, and then taking a 1 to 2 hour nap in the afternoon. And when I am awake, I'm generally primarily in a horizontal position; it just so happens that most of the work I have to do at the moment only requires me to sit up enough to look up things on the internet and type. I suppose it's possible that after India, Bakersfield, Portland, and the flurry of IKEA-and-moving stuff activity that I experienced right after returning to SF has just sort of caught up with me, and I'm just tired. But I'm also a touch worried that it's a side effect from the anti-depressants I'm taking. I've been taking them since before India, but in retrospect I was tired all the time in India; I just chalked it up to the heat and the stress of third world life.

But the good thing is that the tiredness doesn't seem to be debilitating; I think if I needed to be awake, active, and alert for a whole day, I could be. And I'm also pretty much completely off caffeine these days, so a latte would probably do wonders for me.

I'm also secretly paranoid that I have mono, because S has it, but since I have no other mono symptoms, and since S and I have decidedly NOT been making out at any time during this lifetime, that's probably unlikely (I could have gotten it from him if we'd shared a glass or something, but this is one of those times that I appreciate what an insane germaphobe S is: he'd no sooner share a glass with me than he would make out with me).

I've a bunch of errands to run tomorrow, and they're generally of the fun sort, so I'm hoping that will lure me into the upright position for the majority of the day. In the meantime, at least I get a modicum of exercise going up and down the ladder to my bed (thanks mostly to my pea-sized bladder).

And let's get something straight, for those of you with full-time jobs and demanding schedules: I'm not really complaining about this state of affairs, I just find it curious. I know how lucky I am to be a student and have an easy and flexible job. And if it brings you comfort, just think of how long I will have to work in order to pay of the debt I'm racking up as I lie in bed right now.


Anonymous said...

To quote one of the most profound movies of our time.... Waynes World.....

"I thought I had mono once for an entire year, but it turns out I was just really board." -Wayne Campbell

Anonymous said...

LOL tiffster!

J. It is possible that your meds are making you tired - call your dr. and ask.

Anonymous said...

And here I was thinking that spending all your time in the horizintal position sounded good to me and meant your dates were going well ;)! -- Gorgeous

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