Sunday, June 10, 2007

dreams across america

Since I'm flying out of LAX on Wednesday afternoon, I'm having Ma drive me down to LA the night before so that I can have a quick but long-overdue visit with Muffin before I leave. He's been living in LA for over a year now, working in various capacities as an editor and documentary filmmaker. I wanted to give a little plug for the project he's working on right now because I think it's pretty interesting and I'm really proud of the work that he's doing.

He is currently doing short documentary films and interviews, as well as a bunch of other related logistical stuff, for a pro-immigration project called Dreams Across America. The same day I leave for Ghana, they are leaving on a cross-country train ride to raise awareness and dispell misinformation about immigration and its effects on American society (which is of course a really interesting and complex issue with a lot of economic implications, but that's beyond the scope of this particular post). Many of the videos on the website were done by Muffin and/or his film partner (I'm pretty sure he did most of the ones with white backgrounds--he also did the one of Cardinal Mahoney on page 14 of the video section). I think it's really cool that he's been able to work doing the thing that he wants to be doing (filmmaking) and I know that he is learning a great deal.

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