Isn't she adorable? These aren't the best pictures, but it can be hard to get her to sit still while you're trying to take a picture of her. Oh, and also I'm the worst photographer in the world. That might have something to do with it too.
Well, I haven't posted in a while, but very little of interest has happened. I've been hanging out with the fam, playing with the dog, and corresponding with E a little about our research. Things seem to be going well for him so far in India. The people at Opportunity International, which is the MFI with which we will be working, sound extremely nice and helpful. We're figuring out which lending branch we will be surveying borrowers from, and when and where we will be doing the surveys. There are all these things you have to consider when choosing groups from which to sample in order to avoid ending up with results that are spurious. It's all fairly involved, and I'll explain some of it later.
Tomorrow morning I'll go down to LA and spend the next two days with my best friend Muffin. And then I leave. Woo hoo!
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