Tuesday, May 30, 2006

laundry and oregon wine

I'm leaving San Francisco tomorrow. My dear friend S, the one whose birthday was yesterday, bought me a fancy going-away dinner (he's a well-paid attorney, so we let him do things like that) which included a bottle of wine (a pinot noir from Oregon! yay!), the majority of which I consumed. So I'm, you know, a bit sloshed right now (and I feel the need to mention again that the wine was from Oregon, because you don't know how hard it is to get wine that's from anywhere other than Napa Valley or Sonoma County when you live in the Bay Area).

Anyway, I'm leaving tomorrow, and I will miss S terribly. I wasn't very sentimental about it when we said goodbye, but I am sad to be leaving him.

I had this whole adventure at the laundromat today. I have some super-concentrated laundry detergent, but remembering that it's super-concentrated is difficult for me, and I'd never been to this laundromat before, so I think I poured the soap in the wrong part of the machine, so I poured more into another part. I was washing a huge load of sheets and towels and stuff, and the bottom line is that I apparently put WAY too much soap in. By the end of the final rinse cycle, things were still quite soapy. So I ran the machine again without putting any more soap in. But after the second run, things were STILL soapy! So I just said screw it and put everything in the dryer anyway. So if I start complaining about a weird skin rash when I get back to San Francisco, it's because of my soapy sheets.

P.S. I got an email from E from Kuala Lumpur, where he had a six hour layover. So far he's survived the trip.

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