Tuesday, April 03, 2007


I have to present a journal article in Macro tonight, and I haven't even finished reading it yet. So I thought a quick blog entry would be, you know, productive somehow.

We finally got the extra data that we needed from IMED, but I'm semi-certain that it's not really the information we asked for. I'm also becoming increasingly convinced that there is yet another way in which our data are fundamentally at odds with our methodology (or, as I have been pointedly calling it, our advisor's methodology). Everytime I think about my thesis I literally want to cry.

All news is not bad: E returns from D.C. tomorrow. His presence is always welcome, and now there will be three of us to suffer in our thesis hell together (yes, it's possible that I'm being melodramatic, but I really don't care).


Nathan Austin said...

I know the feeling of wanting to cry while working on a project like that... My advice: remember that it doesn't have to be perfect. Of course, you want it to be, and it needs a degree of perfection and completeness, but getting it done is the most important stage. You can refine/correct/truly complete much much later...

To be honest, though -- it's really more a purgatory than a hell, if you think about it...

Nathan Austin said...

By "most important stage," I think I meant "most important thing at this stage," or some such...

I think I've gone incoherent.

Anonymous said...

In total agreement with Nathan, and to modify our current motto that you should feel free to adopt: "the best thesis is a finished thesis".

Remember writing our senior thesis? That one night in the computer lab? Good times....think I finish my dissertation like that?!?!?

Anonymous said...

I found you finally!! I hope I do this right and you get me comment...Anyway, I have not been following the thesis stress issue, but it sounds like you have a lot of good advice. So I'll just say hey. And hope your stress diminishes soon. : )

Anonymous said...

yay, shmoopie! you found the blog! :)

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