My stepmom and her friends are in SF this weekend, so I met them today for lunch and a little shopping. I'd brought the skirt I'm planning on wearing for my thesis defense with me with the intention of looking for a top to go with it. But we went shoe shopping, so instead I got shoes to go with it. Which is in fact very practical, because I really don't have any dressy light brown shoes, but I have dressy light brown clothing. My stepmom very thoughtfully bought the brown shoes for me (actually, they're more of a bronze), and then at another store I found the black ones. I do have several pairs of black dress shoes, but none quite as cute as these. And both pairs are cute and fun but could also be worn to work, which is I guess something I have to start thinking about.

We had martinis at lunch (I know...shoe shopping and stepmom and her friends know how to have fun), and now I'm all sleepy. So much for getting work done this afternoon.
I'm going to start calling you Sarah Jennifer Parker. :P
those shoes are adorable!
Really beautiful.... my baby is so happy with her new sandals I got her through Unique Home Store.
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