Sunday, May 06, 2007

pee cola

It's been a low-key, funky weekend here. On Friday night I came down with a bizarre, sudden fever and really severe chills. These went away eventually, but the next day I was achey and exhausted and feverish all day. The odd thing is that I don't have a sore throat or stuffy nose or anything else that I would expect to accompany a fever. DWE reported similar symptoms this weekend, so I probably got it from him (or vice versa, I suppose).

Whatever it was, it seems to be mostly gone today, with the exception that my head hurts every time I stand up. At four o'clock this afternoon I decided that I was done being in my apartment, so I took BART out to the Target in San Bruno. I got a dress that was on clearance for $19.58 that I will take to Ghana with me. I'm trying not to buy much clothing for Ghana because I don't really need to; I already have stuff I can bring and I'm going to pack much more lightly than I did for India. But bringing fewer outfits also means that I want to make sure the ones I do bring work really well, and this dress should be good for field work: it is lightweight, modest, won't easily show dirt or sweat, and is comfortable with out looking slobbish.

While I was at the mall where the Target is, I popped into Barnes & Noble to see if they had a book on Ghana, which they did. I didn't buy it, but I flipped through it a bit and found out a few things, including what vaccinations I'll need (yellow fever, hep A, and malaria pills--typhoid too, but I think the one I got for India is good for 3 years) and approximate food/lodging costs (cheap, but maybe a bit more expensive than India--not that I care, since I won't be paying for anything). I also found out that a local, popular brand of cola is called "Pee Cola" (apparently "Pee" is a common surname in Ghana).

I have a doctor's appointment at 8:45 in the freakin' morning tomorrow, so I'm going to make some vague attempt to go to bed early, I think.


Rebel said...

Post pictures of your dress! And be sure to tell us what pee-cola tastes like when you get there - if you dare drink it!

marissa said...

mmmm...pee cola. what did jesse used to say that the syllables "coca cola" translated to in chinese?

Rebel said...

I remember reading that the translation for one of the advertizements was "Coke brings your ancestors back from the dead" but then they changed it to be the characters for "Happiness in your mouth"

Anonymous said...

Are you okay? Oh, and congrats! Oh, and can I still stay in the hotel room for Marissa's wedding, even though you won't be there (I'll pay for it, I swear)?

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