I had no idea what I was going to wear to graduation (under the gown, I mean), but fortunately I just dug a dress that I'd forgotten about out of the back of my closet. It still fits (better than it did back when I bought it, if I recall correctly) and it's cute (despite being a few years out of style), so I'm wearing it. While I had the dress on, I decided to try on the whole ensemble ("regalia" is I suppose the word I'm looking for): cap, gown, and hood. The hood was confusing, but I think I figured it out. Anyway, prior to tonight, "graduating" and "having a masters degree" had seemed like very abstract concepts and had not roused much of my enthusiasm, but I have to admit that when I looked at myself in the mirror in my graduation get-up, I got a little choked up. I am really happy to be getting this degree, and I also miss my dad and wish he were here (and also that song "My Hometown" by Bruce Springstein, which has nothing to do with graduating but is full of melancholic nostalgia, was playing on my computer at the time).
In other news, I finally purchased my ticket to Ghana. I leave June 13th and return on September 12th. I will be leaving SF around June 7th, so I only have a couple weeks left to pack, move, and deal with all of my travel preparations (immunizations, visa, writing a draft of the survey, etc).
DWE is in Guayaquil (why-a-KEEL), Ecuador right now, where he apparently has a "translator" who doesn't speak english very well. He was in SF this past weekend, though, and I got to spend a lot of time hanging out with him. On Saturday I decided I wanted to take some pictures of him/us so that I could have a picture of us that I like to take with me to Ghana. He was trying to work while I was doing our little photo shoot, and he became increasingly irritated as I kept making him pose for pictures because I didn't like how I looked.

After several pictures that looked sort of like the one above, I decided I just looked bad...
...so I powdered my face and put on some lip gloss. That was better, but...

...then I figured out that if I sat behind him, I could hide my double chin. Note the increasingly strained expression on his face.
I love that you complain about two of the pictures giving you a double chin - but then you post them anyway. You crack me up!
yeah, i suppose it's kind of silly to post picutres just to point out how bad i think i look...but it's not like y'all don't know i have a double chin. and DWE kind of has one in a couple of the pictures, but his facial hair obscures it. maybe i should grow a beard.
Yeah!!! Congratulations on being done/graduating, and on Ghana, sounds cool, and everything. I was very happy to see all of your pics, chin or not. You look happy, that's what is important. : ) Anyway, I will keep trying to call and catch up more in person.
didn't you wear nothing under your cap and gown last time?
mj- it's an urban legend that i wore nothing under my gown at my willamette graduation. i was wearing a sleeveless dress that went down to my knees, so it was not visibe under the gown. i wore birkenstocks to the ceremony, but when i got up to walk across the stage, i went barefoot. thus i appeared--inadvertently, i might add--to be wearing nothing.
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