Wednesday, September 26, 2007

i have officially become one of those girls...

...who talks about her boyfriend constantly on her blog. (Are there girls that do that? I'm just assuming there are.) But today is our one year anniversary, so I felt the need to mention it. I don't really have much to say about it, though. Neither of us did anything nice for the other. He texted me earlier this evening to say happy anniversary and to say that he was thinking about me, and then he called a little while ago, but we didn't talk for long because he's still out with client-type people (although he did say he'd call me later).

Anyway, I guess it's kind of cool insofar as technically, this is the longest I've ever had a boyfriend (IB and I only made it 10 months or so by the official tally, but we did have sort of a quasi-relationship for a while after that). And this is certainly the most serious relationship I've ever been in, in terms of my level of commitment and my hopes for the future. It's easy to imagine finding someone else who would be, for lack of a better phrase, a "better boyfriend" (you know, someone who isn't gone all the time and isn't insanely busy and isn't terrified of commitment and emotions), but I find it increasingly impossible to imagine finding someone that I'd rather be with.

E is still staying with me, and right now he's teaching himself how to juggle. I'm often impatient with him (especially when I first get home from work and I'm tired and drained and don't want to deal with anything) so I'm trying to be tolerant of the constant sound of bean bags dropping to the floor. I might not last much longer.

I keep meaning to blog about work, but I have so much to say that it kind of feels overwhelming. Maybe this weekend I can set aside some time to do it, because my job is interesting, challenging, and fun, and I want to tell you all about it.


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!! I'm so thrilled for you both!

jenn said...

thanks, gorgeous. your anniversary of sorts is coming up next month, isn't it?

oh, and i just reread my blog entry, and i sort of feel like in the interest of not being too disgustingly gushy, i wasn't quite gushy enough. DWE is smart and hilarious and hot and adoring and he approaches the world in a way that constantly impresses and delights me. and that's why i can't imagine wanting to be with anyone else.

okay, now i'm done.

T is said...

well I super happy for the two of you!! and the juggling... freekin funny...


marissa said...

happy anniversary! and it cracks me up a little that you have a juggling roommate. that might be because i've been drinking wine all evening. but it also might be because it reminds me a little of ernie and bert--like when bert wanted to sleep and ernie brought in all these boogie-woogie trumpet playing sheep and they tapdanced...:)
yeah, DWE sounds like a catch. which makes sense since you are a catch also.
i'm going to take my wine-drenched butt to bed!
p.s. it's better than being one of those girls (me) who talks constantly about her DOG on her blog...

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! I am with you on the significance of that amount of time, since it was my record too. Very cool, I am way happy for you. And I totally agree with the 60/40 rule...I have times that I think similarily, like it would be nice to date someone who didn't do a, b and c, but then I think about the things that matter, etc...

Also, I hope the rommate juggler doesn't start attempting sharp/dangerous items, like knives or burning sticks. Till then, I hope it remains bearable.

Rebel said...

Hey - tag, you're it!

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